How to get rid of Fruit Flies?
Fruit flies seem to appear when you least expect it and can reproduce quickly. Within weeks, you can go from having a few to a full swarm in your kitchen. They are particularly drawn to fresh produce and can lay eggs if not controlled. Fortunately, you can learn how to get rid of fruit flies…
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Fruit flies seem to appear when you least expect it and can reproduce quickly. Within weeks, you can go from having a few to a full swarm in your kitchen. They are particularly drawn to fresh produce and can lay eggs if not controlled. Fortunately, you can learn how to get rid of fruit flies by applying a few simple, easy methods.

What is a Fruit Fly?
A fruit fly is a small, flying insect that is built to detect the scent of fermenting fruit and vegetables. They can smell fermenting produce from an impressive distance. They enter your home through open windows, crevices or through doors. Once they have entered your home, mature fruit flies look for dark, wet areas where they can reproduce. The average fruit fly takes approximately 8 days to grow from an egg to a full adult, which is why they multiply at such a fast rate.
How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies
There are a few techniques to control and ultimately eliminate the fruit fly population in your home. The best way to get rid of fruit flies is to remove the source instead of dealing with one fly at a time.
How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies by Removing Produce
Fruit flies are attracted to your home by fermenting produce. This is because home owners tend to put fruits on display and forget to discard them when they decay. If you have fruit on display, make sure it is fresh or otherwise refrigerated. Clean up any fluids left behind by rotting fruit. If you have vegetables stored away in a cupboard, check them regularly. Throw away or store in a fridge any vegetable that shows signs of decay.
How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies by Cleaning
Damp mops and sponges are breeding grounds for fruit flies. Instead of spring cleaning your entire home, place any mops, sponges and rags outside. Empty compost bins and throw rotten produce in a trash can far from the house. Rinsing wine glasses and closing fruit juice bottles are also effective ways to get rid of fruit flies. Wine, especially, is made from fermented grapes that have an irresistible scent to these insects.
How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies with Vinegar Cider Traps
Throwing away fermenting food and cleaning removes the source of your infestation. However, if you already have a swarm of fruit flies buzzing in your kitchen, it is a good idea to trap and eliminate them. Fruit flies cannot distinguish between fermenting fruit and vinegar. Both are equally attractive to them. Setting up a trap using vinegar is an old-age method that will help you get rid of fruit flies fast.
How to Make a Vinegar Trap
In a jar or glass, pour a small amount of vinegar. Apple cider vinegar works best. Grab a plastic bag and spread it over the jar or glass. Enforce the plastic bag with a rubber band and punch a small hole in the middle for fruit flies to enter. The hole should not be large enough for them to escape. Place the trap where the flies tend to gather and wait a week for results.
Learning how to get rid of fruit flies can help keep your kitchen clean and your fresh produce safe. Start by eliminating any decaying fruits and vegetables. Follow up by throwing out the trash and giving your kitchen a thorough clean. By removing the source, your vinegar trap will be more effective and rid your home of fruit flies for good.
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